And if you are interested in a few more details about Facebook's storage infrastructure, read this post and technical paper.
New exciting developments on the side of the basic building blocks of any storage system: The HDDs and SSDs storing our data.
Hitachi delivers a new areal density record for HDDs with an amazing 636 Gbits per square inch and IBM announces its first MLC (multi-level-cell) SSD drives for enterprise storage use.
TRILL and converged networking news from IBM fellow blogger Tony Pearson who reports from the Data Center 2010 Conference in Las Vegas and Network Computing editor Mike Fratto, who summarizes his thoughts about CISCO's FabricPath implementation.
And lastly, two more articles about 2011 trends:
The "searchstorage.com" predictions of hot storage technologies and one more article about the fact that RAID will soon have to be replaced with other technologies to prevent data loss in entperprise storage systems.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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